Monday, August 31, 2009


Why do women find it necessary to stay in relationships?

I've come to the point in my life that when the going gets tough... I get going. I also find it important to be in a relationship because I'm tired of being lonely. So where do you draw the line? Being ignored is never a good thing. Most women will agree with me. The guy is thinking, "Oh, I'm too busy to call anyone." And the girl is thinking, "What did I do for him to ignore me all weekend?" The difference is that we include you in our lives from the moment you put a label on us. If we are the girlfriend then we start to act like it, but if we aren't well.. most of us are okay with that too! Is it so hard to give your girlfriend a call and say, "Hey babe, I'm really busy today, but I will call you later tonight! I miss you!" No? I didn't think it was either!

I'm guessing that I just don't understand relationships. If I'm on the outside looking in I can do a really good and the control. Cause it isn't my relationship, but when you've been shat on for so long and you finally have a decent guy it's hard to remove yourself from the situation and realize that he really is the great guy you've been waiting on and he really isn't the dbag that is going to break your heart again... or is he?